Post your vacancy

Do you have a vacancy within the water sector? Then add it to this platform.

Post your vacancy

WaterJobs for companies

With WaterJobs, the exclusive portal for our members, the WaterCampus partners Water Alliance, Wetsus, CEW and CIV unite the supply and demand of personnel in water technology. With this portal, we aim to stimulate the activity and employment at the WaterCampus in order to contribute to our goal: more activity in the water technology sector in the (North) Netherlands.

How does it work?

This digital platform showscases vacancies from our member companies in the water technology and related industries.

Do you have a vacancy or do you want to know more about this service? Please contact Nynke Hogeveen.

Post your vacancy

WaterJobs: Vacature uploaden (EN)
Is your organization a member of one of the Water Campus parties?
Select the Water Campus organization(s) you are a member of
You must be a member to submit a vacancy. Visit to find out how to become a member of the WaterCampus.
Hoogste opleidingsniveau

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Terms and conditions
  • A Job posting is only possible for members of the Water Campus parties (Water Alliance, Wetsus, CEW and CIV);
  • Vacancies are posted for the duration of 8 weeks, unless you indicate otherwise;
  • The job is posted with a partial description with a reference to the website where the entire vacancy can be found;
  • Posted vacancies are shared with our database of job seekers and via various social media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn and newsletters;
  • Personal information such as name, email address and phone number will only be used for the WaterJobs service;
  • If a vacancy has been filled (prior to the closure date) we kindly ask you to inform us. This also applies if you have found a candidate via the WaterJobs service.